SearxngSearch class represents a meta search engine tool. Use this class when you need to answer questions about current events. The input should be a search query, and the output is a JSON array of the query results.

note: works best with agentType: structured-chat-zero-shot-react-description


const executor = AgentExecutor.fromAgentAndTools({
tools: [
new SearxngSearch({
params: {
format: "json",
engines: "google",
headers: {},
const result = await executor.invoke({
input: `What is Langchain? Describe in 50 words`,

Hierarchy (view full)



description: string = "A meta search engine. Useful for when you need to answer questions about current events. Input should be a search query. Output is a JSON array of the query results"
name: string = "searxng-search"
apiBase?: string
headers?: SearxngCustomHeaders
params?: SearxngSearchParams = ...


  • Builds the URL for the Searxng search.

    Type Parameters

    • P extends SearxngSearchParams


    • path: string

      The path for the URL.

    • parameters: P

      The parameters for the URL.

    • baseUrl: string

      The base URL.

    Returns string

    The complete URL as a string.