• Trim messages to be below a token count.


    Returns Runnable<BaseMessage[], BaseMessage[]>

    An array of trimmed BaseMessages or a Runnable that takes a sequence of BaseMessage-like objects and returns an array of trimmed BaseMessages.


    If two incompatible arguments are specified or an unrecognized strategy is specified.


    import { trimMessages, AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";

    const messages = [
    new SystemMessage("This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."),
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "first",
    new AIMessage({
    content: [
    { type: "text", text: "This is the FIRST 4 token block." },
    { type: "text", text: "This is the SECOND 4 token block." },
    id: "second",
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "third",
    new AIMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "fourth",

    function dummyTokenCounter(messages: BaseMessage[]): number {
    // treat each message like it adds 3 default tokens at the beginning
    // of the message and at the end of the message. 3 + 4 + 3 = 10 tokens
    // per message.

    const defaultContentLen = 4;
    const defaultMsgPrefixLen = 3;
    const defaultMsgSuffixLen = 3;

    let count = 0;
    for (const msg of messages) {
    if (typeof msg.content === "string") {
    count += defaultMsgPrefixLen + defaultContentLen + defaultMsgSuffixLen;
    if (Array.isArray(msg.content)) {
    count +=
    defaultMsgPrefixLen +
    msg.content.length * defaultContentLen +
    return count;

    First 30 tokens, not allowing partial messages:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 30,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "first",


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "first",

    First 30 tokens, allowing partial messages:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 30,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "first",
    allowPartial: true,


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "first",
    new AIMessage({
    content: [{ type: "text", text: "This is the FIRST 4 token block." }],
    id: "second",

    First 30 tokens, allowing partial messages, have to end on HumanMessage:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 30,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "first",
    allowPartial: true,
    endOn: "human",


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "first",

    Last 30 tokens, including system message, not allowing partial messages:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 30,
    includeSystem: true,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "last",


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "third",
    new AIMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "fourth",

    Last 40 tokens, including system message, allowing partial messages:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 40,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "last",
    allowPartial: true,
    includeSystem: true,


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new AIMessage({
    content: [{ type: "text", text: "This is the FIRST 4 token block." }],
    id: "second",
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "third",
    new AIMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "fourth",

    Last 30 tokens, including system message, allowing partial messages, end on HumanMessage:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 30,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "last",
    endOn: "human",
    includeSystem: true,
    allowPartial: true,


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new AIMessage({
    content: [{ type: "text", text: "This is the FIRST 4 token block." }],
    id: "second",
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "third",

    Last 40 tokens, including system message, allowing partial messages, start on HumanMessage:

    await trimMessages(messages, {
    maxTokens: 40,
    tokenCounter: dummyTokenCounter,
    strategy: "last",
    includeSystem: true,
    allowPartial: true,
    startOn: "human",


    new SystemMessage(
    "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens."
    new HumanMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "third",
    new AIMessage({
    content: "This is a 4 token text. The full message is 10 tokens.",
    id: "fourth",
  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<BaseMessage[]>